Welcome to Week 45
The Cowgirl Up! Link Party!
1 Party, 4 Blogs
And this week, we have 5 BLOGS
and our second GUEST HOST!
Meet Mimi from Blue Roof Cabin
Hi I'm Mimi. I am thrilled to be Guest Hosting for the Cowgirl Up link Party this week.
My blog Blue Roof Cabin is all about sharing my passion for all things DIY. Whether it's building from scratch or re-purposing old castoffs into functional new pieces. Not long ago I found a couple old doors at a local Salvage yard and turned them into this
and this my Kitchen Island.
I also built my Faux Mantel. Here it is all decked out for Christmas this year.
I would call my decorating style Rustic Coastal Cabin. I love to combine rustic pieces with natural elements in my decor.
If you have a moment come on over, I'd love to meet you!
Robin from Two Vintage Sisters shares her beautiful dining room makeover
Kate's Place looks FaBuLoUs for Christmas in dreamy whites

I am in love with this playful and sparkley wreath shared by Penny's Vintage Home
Vintage On A Dime's mantle is a budget friendly beauty

You will be AmAZeD by this quickbread in a bottle project by Me and My DIY. Check out how she hand colored these labels!!

Now about this week's party... You link up on my blog and your link shows up on FIVE blogs.
We are looking for the latest and greatest projects, tutorials, ideas, crafts, recipes, decor, and inspiring stories. Anything that you are proud to show off.
Cowgirl Up! is the link party that saves you time and brings you inspiration.
What blogs will your link appear on? Check us out below!
Linsey with The Farmhouse Porch
Anita with Cedar Hill Ranch
Amanda with The Ivy Cottage Blog
The four of us are all Texas bloggers, but you don't have to be Texas, country, western, or own horses to participate in Cowgirl Up! You just need that "can-do", cowgirl spirit!
Cowgirl Up! Link Party Guidelines
(Please read the guidelines before participating)
* When you link with Cowgirl Up!, your link will automatically show on four different blogs. Awesome!
* Please follow your host blog before linking up on GFC (and if you have a linkyfollow account, then please follow that way too.)
* You may link up decor, DIY, crafts, guest post, recipes, giveaways, sewing, inspiring stories, and anything that you feel related to the listed categories.
* You may link as many links as you want.
* Be sure to include the Cowgirl Up! Button or text link to Cowgirl Up in your linked post, (mine can be found on my sidebar.) Mandatory to be featured!!
* Be courteous and visit the two links before yours. Several projects will be featured each week!
* By linking up you are agreeing that the photos are yours or that you have permission to use them, that we may use those photos to feature your project in a blog post, on Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter with a link back to your blog of course.
*If you pin a project shown here, please, please pin from the original source.
Thanks for hosting! Wishing you gals a pretty week. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse
Thanks for hosting Linsey! I see a few features I need to go visit along with Mimi. I'd welcome the opportunity to co-host Cowgirl Up sometime!
<3 Christina at I Gotta Create!
Thank you for hosting!!
Thanks for hosting! Lovely projects! Traci
Appreciate your hospitality!
Farmhouse hugs,
Thanks for hosting! Have a wonderful week :)
I can't believe Mimi made that faux fireplace it is wonderful!!! Thanks so much for hosting again this week, Laura
Hey from your newest follower.. .Sherry @ The Rusty Pearl.. Stop by my blog too if you get a moment.. I love your blog.. It is fabulous.. Love love loved everything .. Glad to have stumbled across your porch .. have a blessed week ... Sherry
Hi Linsey! So excited to discover your blog...your home is beautiful! I am a true lover of porches...we built a 3-sided wrap-around porch on our Greek Revival Farmhouse in 2001. I can't tell you how much joy I get from sitting on the porch during spring/summer/fall and seasonally decorating it. But what I've loved even more is watching my littles grow up playing on the porch...driving their cozy coupes...playing with barbies...coloring...reading...lounging...it's what I dreamed of growing up!!!
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