
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Got the tree up...PICS!

Last night Mimi and Grandad watched the girls while hubby and I had a date night. It was so great to be alone without the ankle biters! We had an excellent steakhouse meal and then stopped by Academy to get "the" bicycle which will be from Santa.

Then I made the hubbs stop at Tutti Fruiti Frozen Yogurt. Have you guys tried these frozen yogurt bars with the zillions of toppings? So fun...but SOOO expensive in my opinion. I paid over $5 for my yogurt. :?

Mr. FP got down all of the xmas stuff and even put up the tree. Now that's a great date night!

I have about 200 icicles...all from the dollar store! In fact everything on this tree is "thrifty" or homemade.

I can't find my white tree skirt...but other than that it is DONE!
I only put about half the ornaments on this year. It's just getting to be too much, and it's taking the fun out of it. Not to mention 3 year old looove to disassemble and destroy.♥ are just a few shots. I still have more to do. We are having the big Christmas at our house with lots of visitors. I want to get the new house looking blingy for her first Christmas! can see the reflection of my little DIY $10 snow village back here to see that post FARMHOUSE PORCH: Homemade Snow Village!

Can't wait to see what the rest of you girls are doing. I love your inspiration!


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  1. Looks absolutely lovely. Our tree got taken out of the box and in our usual Christmas tradition, only half of the pre-lit lights work. So, there is a mess of lights all over my floor. Not very festive at the moment - I like yours better!

    Don't forget to enter my Canvas Photo Print Giveaway - it makes a gorgeous Christmas Gift!

    Angie @ Knick of Time Interiors

  2. You can stop showing off now!! I am still doing laundry from the trip, we'll see when I get to Christmas decorations!!

  3. Gorgeous tree! And, so smart of you and your husband to have a date night! That is one of the best things you can do for yourself, your family and your kids!


  4. What a beautiful Christmas tree!

    Regards from Sweden

  5. Looks like your tree came out great! NIce to have an adult night out! Laura

  6. We've got the steam heat guy coming "sometime" this week, so no tree until he is done. Oh, well, more time to fluff all the other decorations! Your tree looks lovely.

  7. This is simply gorgeous! Your home is the perfect blend of bling and tradition. Kudos and Happy Holidays.

  8. Hi, wondering around blogland and ran across your blog! I loved your Christmas tree pics, especially the one reflecting your snow village. It reminds me of a Christmas card. I would love to have you share your decorations at my party!

  9. Your tree is so beautiful! I really love those little bird nests on there and the colorscheme you chose. I like those drapes in the background too. (Can't help my wandering eyes.) Ha!


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