
Thursday, November 24, 2011

HaPpY ThAnKsGiViNg Bloggy Buddies!!!

Raise your hand if this is how you feel after Thanksgiving dinner?

Make sure to go for a walk after the big dig (as if that's gonna put a dent in the 5 million calories you just consumed). LOL

But that is what today is for. Family, football and Food, and most of thanks to God for the gift of life and the blessings and bounty we all have.
I'm grateful for my friends and followers in blogland-



  1. AMEN! I am very thankful too for all my bloggy friends and for all the times of fun and companion, inspiration and warm I always receive from you followers and not, may God bless you all this Thanksgiving Day. FABBY

  2. Aaaah ha ha! That is so funny....

  3. Aww, love the vintage doggie Thanksgiving postcard. So cute. Hope you enjoyed your holiday.

  4. Yup. That big fat dog is exactly how I feel this morning. I'm off to work, so no temptation to eat leftovers. Whew.

    I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving too.

  5. Do you see that my hand is up? Yes, we all ate too much but it was delicious wasn't it? Cleaning up afterwards I thought how blessed we are to have plenty of good food and enough left for more meals. Many in our country and over the world would be glad to have the amount we toss out. Anyway, hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving.----------------Shannon

  6. We went to visit my mom for Thanksgiving and we just got back. Missed you and hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving.


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