
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Handmade Christmas Cards

I had all of the materials on hand so I decided to make my own Christmas cards this year.

I found the large crown stamp at Micheal's in the dollar bin. I also have hundreds of rhinestones. All it took was a little creativity to combine these materials into a christmas creation. A king is born popped into my head and I love the message, because that is the reason for the season, after all.

The one thing I splurge on is the Jim Holtz ink. If you aren't familiar with Jim Holtz crafting supplies you need to head over to Micheal's or Hobby Lobby and check it out! Lots of vintage and steampunk themed items and his inkpads are mottled and aged colors.

I also tried to make some gift tags. they came out so-so. They look better when on a prairie chic-ish gift...

I think the trick is keeping the process simple yet elegant. If you're making gobs of cards you don't want each one to be too tedious.

I hope my friends and family enjoy getting a card that was made with love!


Linking to

Savvy Southern Style

The Shabby Nest

shabby creek cottage


  1. I need to be on your Christmas card list:-) Simple, yet elegant is the key and these are gorgeous and elegant!

  2. Your cards and tags are beautiful! So creative of you to undertake a project like this one!

    Thank you for linking this lovely post to Potpourri Friday!

  3. I think these tags are great. Love the homemade Christmas cards. They not only look great, but they are so special because they are made by your hands.

  4. I love the delicate cards with the rhinestones and the tags are vintage-looking - very nice!

  5. Love the cards and picked some great stamps!


  6. These cards look amazing! I love the crown and the added touch of sparkle is perfect! I really like the tag, too.


  7. These are so cute. I have always wanted to do something like this though never seem to organize my time efficiently enough!

  8. Stopping back by to say thanks for linking to Potpourri Friday!

  9. Linsey, they are awesome!! I think sometimes we overdo things, but you know how to do simple right!!

  10. Very farmhouse chic! I hope you'll stop by and share this at The Corson Cottage {Home for the Holidays} link party:) Carrie

  11. Love the gift wrapping!!! So pretty!

    evie @ brown paper packages

  12. Those are beautiful...thanks for sharing this great idea!

  13. GREAT ideas, Linsey! Fun and easy! :)

    xoxo laurie

  14. They looks lovely. Have a nice weekend.


  15. Great job on these, Linsey! I so enjoy a card from the heart. I think homemade gift tags are the best, I love making them. It makes each gift so special. Glad to be back and catching up with what you're doing! Enjoy the rainy day, our cold days are finally arriving. : )

  16. These are really pretty. I think you just inspired me to make my own gift tags this year. Thanks for sharing this!

  17. Beautiful cards and tags. Love your blog ~ newest follower.


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