Welcome Back to The Scoop!
The weekly link party, that features The Scoop on the best posts from around the web.
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More exposure, less time.
This week our guest host is Katherine from Katherine's Corner.
Samantha Crafty Texas Girls
Hello :-) Before I begin I would like to take a moment to thank Anita, Kelli, Kristi, Linsey and Samantha for shining a light on me today. It is a pleasure to be your guest host. I’m Katherine from Katherines Corner. A blog for sharing - friendships, recipes, photography, life stories, giveaways, product reviews and more. I welcome your bloggy friendship.
I started my blog (formerly known as Go Ask Katie) after receiving a rejection letter from a publisher. It was a nice rejection though, not your standard fill in the blank with the authors name. It read something like this- “loved your writing, the photographs are beautiful, but…we are not taking on any unknown authors at this time.” I decided I didn’t need a publisher to share what I love. I just needed like-minded people like you, to share it with.