
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Painting with a Gorgeous Frame - A Makeover Story

I inherited this painting from my mother in law a few years ago when she closed her antique booth. I fell in love with the frame, the painting...not so much. The painting was so old that it had just about grown into the frame. They had become one. So taking it out of the frame meant risking the already delicate integrity of the old frame. I tried touching up the painting...

I just had to change the color of the tablecloth. It was burnt orange and olive green. Can you imagine...with red and pink and purple flowers?

But it still looked so scraggly and off. I may have changed the colors but I only made the "tablecloth" look worse!

So tonight, after having spent the whole day on another new big painting, I grabbed it and pretty much started fresh (it's such a pain to set up the oil paints so I look for any excuse to keep those brushes wet). This thing has so many layers of paint now!!

So here it is! I can live with it now!

Don't ask me what kind of flowers they are. A figment of my imagination I guess. What started as hydrangea morphed into lilac...or wisteria or something. That's the great thing about impressionism- you can be a little more obscure! Haha

Only one problem...why in the heck did I use purples? I have zero purple in my house.


restore interiors
savvy southern style


  1. Linsey, it looks so much better now. I really love your artistic style and one day I'm going to buy one of your paintings. Maybe a cow or other farm animal like a sheep if you end up painting one. :)

  2. Thank you Jennifer, it would be my honor. I do need to do a cow or sheep. Very "farmy". :D

  3. Wow, it looks great! That must be awesome to just paint over something and have it look wonderful. You are very talented!
    Terrie @

  4. Hey Linsey! I think you did a fabulous job, and I love the flowers you created!! You will rock that purple in just the right spot in your house, I'm sure!! I would have just put in some vintage sheet music or something! Beautiful art now fills that awesome frame!

    Hope you're having a great week!

  5. Haha...Thanks Becky, I never would have thought to do sheet music! That would look really cool as a painting background!

  6. It's gorgeous and now you can SELL it maybe? Because you have zero purples?

    It's wonderful, Linsey!

  7. Linsey, It's absolutely beautiful! Love your're very talented.
    Mary Alice

  8. oh my gosh this is wonderful. you are so very talented!

  9. Wow, what a great painting!Beautiful and believable color and form.

    Hawaii Art

  10. What a beautiful painting. I love the colors and the flowers. I love the frame so elegant.


  11. ~~~~~~Beautiful~~~~~~~~

  12. Beautiful painting for a beautiful frame!! Very lovely job you did! I love the purple in it. I don't have any purple either!! Not sure why?? It is very pretty!


  13. Love ya On pinterest so happy to of found you in Blog land.. Great Blog-Karryann


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