
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Terrific find and some design questions

I decided to go toodling around this morning, just shopping at little junky places nearby. I happened to overhear a woman telling another woman about a cottage turned antique store down the street. Of course I took off for it straight away.

It was such a great find! It was one of those places where you find so many things to buy that you have to leave things behind. DECISIONS!

I got a bunch of old medicine bottles for $1 each. I found so many things I wanted. Corbels, a gorgeous old breadbox, a childs wicker rocker with the most beautiful tea stained rose fabric seat. I was going to get the rocker but as I was walking out I noticed this huge old screen. And it was only $30! A dealer unloading her car had just set it down by the entrance.

I have the perfect spot for it in my master bath. We have this huge ugly awkward window. I wanted something in it or over it, but I still wanted the light. And being that it's so close to the tub, where my girls splash around regularly, I didn't want a fabric window treatment. You can't tell from the photos but that screen is over 5 feet tall!

I'm thinking I will hang it and center it in the window. My question for you guys is wall color. This bathroom is full of chippy whites, like my storage shelf here The Farmhouse Porch: I got a new camera for Christmas! I can finally keep up with you guys. : D

I'd like to do something in here to make all the white pop. I was thinking a very pale aqua. But will that be too cold since there is no upholstry in there? I've even thought about possibly doing a really pale greyish blue in there and my bedroom. The cabinets are a very dark brown with dark granite countertops.

Here's what I'm liking for the wall color

source: Southern Living

Your thoughts?


Funky Junk Interiors


Boogieboard Cottage

Beyond The Picket Fence


  1. The screen is fantastic! You were in the right place at the right time! It looks perfect over the window in your bath. I like the sound of painting your bathroom a pale gray/ would be hard to get tired of that color and you can pair it up with so much! Let us know what you do!!


  2. Love that screen! It is perfect for what you need. I love the grey/blue colors that are so popular right now and they go great with chippy white and browns. Go for it!

  3. Love that blue, however i'm a bit predjudice, blue is my fav color!! Great buy on the screen!!

  4. Ok,Linsey~ Give up the secret location, girl. Email me!

  5. Oh, the aqua or even the gray blue is delightful! The soft colors with white make me feel so calm and relaxed. Love the screen! Browns and blues are just as close to my heart as are white and pink. I think you'll be find either way. I've found that if it makes you smile, it's right for you-no matter what!

  6. I love your new screen and I so love that wall color. Glad you had fun shopping.

  7. That wall color in the picture is beautiful and so calming. All your whites will look so crisp and fresh with that color. Love it!
    Mary Alice

  8. I think what you've picked out would look great! Reminds me of the Pacific Ocean.

  9. That screen is a great find and a perfect solution. The pale aqua is a lovely colour and one of my favourites. I used a similar light colour in our ensuite bath. It is fairly plain right now and in line for some new accessorizing, but I won't be changing the colour because I love it.

  10. Isn't it fun to find new places to explore?! That is a great way to use your new screen...

  11. Isn't it fun to find new places to go Junquing!? I'm certain that whatever Hue you decide upon you'll transform the room Beautifully around the backdrop of wall color.

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  12. Don't you love those days when you can go "toddling" around? :-) I think that is an absolutely fantastic find and it looks so perfect in that window. Your home is just so lovely and we appreciate you sharing it with us at Inspiration Friday!

  13. Glad you stopped by my blog.. I am your newest follower.

  14. What a great find!! Over 5 feet tall?? That's a large screen AND a large bathroom window! I would love to have all that natural light in my bathroom :)

    You have a beautiful home (and blog!)!! I love all your sweet, vintage touches. I feel like you probably have something sweet and tasty baking in your farmhouse kitchen. Am I right?? That's the feeling I get, anyway :)

    I'm following you back!

  15. Hello Linsey~

    You have an amazing blog and I am so happy to be a new follower. Thirfting for great finds is such a feel good pastime for me too. :) I invite you to share at my {k.i.s.s.} blog bash and look forward to more of your inspiring posts.


    {p.s.} the blue paint color is lovely!

    Drop By & Visit {The Tattered Tag}

  16. Your blog is beautiful Linsey!
    Yeah, i got rid of my follower button.
    I'll always repay comments though!

  17. Love your blog, glad I found it last week. That quick decision about buying the screen instead of the rocker looks like a really good one. As for advice on paint color, I'm not sure you would want any from me. I am having a very difficult time choosing colors for the laundry room and powder room. I like the blue color in the picture. It looks very serene, I think. Good luck. I might be asking for help if a decision isn't made pretty soon!------ Would love to have you at my Cozy Your Home Party on Tuesday. --------Shannon

  18. You were definitely in the right place at the right time! Love the screen! And what a 'find' for the old bottles! Love both colors...

  19. Love that screen! Great find! I love the idea of the aqua color. I'm thinking about painting my bathroom a blue color. Can't wait to see what you do. New follower!


  20. I always choose items / colors that i love.....they seem to end up going together somehow! so that would be my recommendation - choose what you love & you will love how it turns out! xoox

  21. Just stopping in to say hi from Cottage Charm Creations...I LOVE your blog...definately adding to my fav's! Im your newest member too!

  22. Beautiful color and GREAT antique window. You really have great taste.

  23. LOVE your screen! I think an aqua color would look great.

  24. I'm a little biased, Linsey because the paint color in your photo is just about my most favorite color. I think it's beautiful and I don't think it would seem cold at all especially since you have brown cabinetry. Your screen is great and so perfect for your window!

  25. You found the perfect spot for an awesome piece! :)


  26. I think the blue would be beautiful! I love finding stores like that... so much fun! Good luck with your choice!

  27. I love the blue! I also love your screen! This is already a gorgeous room! I know whatever you choose will be perfect!

  28. hi Linsey,
    very nice blog with nice pictures, I finally have some some time to visit you, had much too do. I also like this cabinet next to your couch, very nice: looks like a Belgian, so called Girlscabinet, I love it!
    love from Germany

  29. I read this earlier and now I wonder if you are talking about Ellen's? Have you ever been to The Old Oak Cottage??

  30. What a terrific find in the screen! Thank you for sharing this lovely post at Potpourri Friday

  31. I love your screen! It's huge and perfect for that window! I smiled as I read your blog as I can so relate to you overhearing those women...RUN!! Anyway, I wanted to thank you for linking up at Sunday Blog Love - your post is one of my top five picks for the week. I hope you have time to come on over again this weekend! Take care!

  32. That screen is perfect for your window! I, too, like the idea of the blue/grey wall color. Blue looks so wonderful with browns and chippy things. Love your blog and am following.

  33. Hi Linsey,

    sounds like a fun shop. I had the brilliant idea of painting my bathroom and laundry room both in aqua but it was slightly brighter than I anticipated (looked quite light on chip), and I'm impatiently waiting the paint over in white white white. I also painted my bedroom in a pale greyish-blue, and I too have dark furniture. It turned out quite lovely.

    Good luck


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