
Monday, October 31, 2011

My Mental Ideabook

Something great about getting older is knowing who you are and what you like. I love that I have a nightly routine. I get the kids bathed and bedded, clean up the kitchen, make lunches and check homework folders. And when I can't stand to "stand" for another minute I unwind in my own unique way. I make a nice cup of herbal vanilla chai tea (with a little milk and splenda) and I watch a couple of Golden Girls reruns.

Well, Actually I watch the Golden Girls after I come check my blog. I check my comments and email. I check my facebook. But the icing on the cake is google images. I love just typing in a phrase like "historic farmhouses Texas" and seeing the great inspiration pop up. It gets my creative juices flowing and ,in a strange way my husband will never understand, helps me unwind.'s some images to get your juices flowing. Grab some tea and tell me this isn't heaven!

Country Living

Country Living

Decor Naturel


Country Living

Country Living

Country Living


Decor Naturel

Country Living

Sweet dreams...


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  1. I love all of these photos too Linsey. I can't wait to blog about my new paintings!! That will be coming but it may be a couple of weeks, since I always have about 6 blog posts in-process at any one time. I added your blog to my blog roll. It was fun visiting with you.

  2. Linsey,
    Fantastic inspiration! Love them all!

  3. Love all things farmhouse, so of course, I love these inspiration pics. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I can see why those photos help you regroup, Linsey! They're so serene and pretty! Have you tried Pinterest, yet? Warning: It WILL become addicting.....but so much beauty there! :)

    xoxo laurie

  5. Beautiful inspirations ... Love them...


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