
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring Entry Way

Spring is here, glorious glorious spring!

I don't remember ever being this excited for it before. 

I've been working on a project all day and I'm really excited to share it with you. You all know how I love to rummage through my own closets and rediscover items I forgot I had, and then give them new life! A few of you may remember this big chunky antique frame. It used to be gold and brown, I used it in a fall tablescape when I had just started blogging here).  And although I still love the look of the patina it had, I've been yearning for decor that is a brighter...crisper...springy-er palate.

I've been having a love affair with the mixture of crisp white and cottage colors lately, like what you might see on vintage floral tablecloths, jadeite and old flour sacks. I found this one at an antique mall this week. I wish I had a frame twice as long, because the feed sack is huge and full of great advertising graphics!

I decided to paint the frame, distress it a bit and add the feed sack. I just tacked it all around the edges to the back .

Together with my old yard birds...

And this chippy old metal bin full of greenery...

And a basket of colorful pillows made from vintage tablecloths...

It makes for a brighter, fresher spring scene in the entry way!

Can't beat a project that's "cheap-cheap-cheap"

Thank you for looking♥


Friday, March 14, 2014

Let's talk about spring baby!

Let's dwell on springy things!

Spring is ...

Green! Fresh! Floral! 

The sun is out here in Houston and in the warm dirt bulbs are pushing through. I've been checking the flower bed and after a bit of cold rain last weekend, POP! Green tender shoots peeking up through the mulch.

Soon the smell of honeysuckle and cut grass will fill the yard. 
Ahhh, I love it.
My little girls (who aren't this little any more! Sniff,sniff) and my yard last spring.

And I can't talk about spring without mentioning Texas storms. Scary, exciting and dramatic. Oh how I love a nice afternoon thunderstorm. You can smell it moving in. The roiling clouds make such beautiful and mesmerizing shows in the southern skies. And then when the storm passes it feels like everything has been washed and refreshed. The sky is so clear, the birds all come out to play and the greenery perks up. I just love lazy spring days ending in showy thunderstorms.

Here is a pic of a Texas stormy sky from last spring...

I just had to rearrange the hutch in my office and get out the jadeite. I feel the need today to be surrounded by bright sunny colors and sunlight.

Is it warm yet where you are? What is it you look forward to in the spring?


Monday, March 3, 2014

A Pretty Way to Scent A Room

Why do I feel like a need to take out a loan to buy a decent reed diffuser? Have you noticed the price on these things?

I'm sorry, but I just can't bare to shell out $50 on an air freshener that may last 4-6 weeks.

Secondly, why would I want it when the glass jar it comes with isn't my style?

     I had a light bulb moment today. I stopped into a high end home store and noticed that they sold the "refill" reed diffuser oils in large bottles. What if I were to use an antique shaker or bottle from my collection? That would save me lots of sweet moola, and the vintage bottle would be right up my ally.

So that's what I did. 

     I first used my large glass (sugar?) shaker. The reeds fit so perfectly into the's fun when the stars align! :D

     I also put some in this other frenchy style bottle I had. I picked out a citrus-herby flavor. Nice for spring... 

     I have a big crew of house guests coming this week from out of town. It's nice to tuck these into the corners of the bathrooms to keep everything fresh and welcoming.

     Thanks for stopping by! I haven't been posting much lately because our family has been a bunch of busy little bees. Hopefully soon I can finish this painting that I started...

...and do some other home projects to share! 

Until then...
