
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

LUST for RUST...and Farm-y Stuff...

I have been very busy with some "life" issues lately so I haven't blogged in awhile. Good stuff, just busy stuff. I wanted to touch base with my friends out there and say howdy.

I broke a cardinal sin of photography and shot these photos at night. I'm sure there are settings on my  camera that make it kosher to shoot at night but I'm too lazy and tired to fool with it. I don't ask my brain to learn new things at night unless it's an emergency.

A couple of weeks ago I had an "Elvis!!!" moment in one of my fave antique/boutique shops. You know, I screamed like a teenage girl and made a fool out of myself in a moment of lust.

I actually squealed a little when I saw this huge framed print at The Old Oak Cottage in Huffman,TX. It had to be mine! I'm so in love with it. Could it be any more "Farmhouse Porch"? I got a super duper deal on it too.

And I scored this big lonely tray on a clearance shelf at Hobby Lobby about a month ago. 66% off. Woo-hoo!

I've already used it at a BBQ we had recently. "See hon? I use this stuff!"

And here's a shot of my dining room...again. :)

 I hope you all are enjoying the start of your summer. I've got a few little road trips planned in the coming month and you can be sure I will be making a bee line straight to my favorite places to shop...

Do you have any road trip plans?



  1. Awesome find on that pretty basket tray! You will use it for all sorts of stuff!

    As for road trips, took one last week to a tea house with friends - and going up to Lake Erie (where I am from originally) for a family reunion on the 23rd. Other than that staying pretty much planted here gardening and enjoying the summer with my hubs!

    Can't wait to hear all about your ventures!

  2. That picture is awesome and it looks like it was meant to hang in that spot - love it when that happens!!

  3. Great photo with the beef cattle. How fun. love your post title :)

  4. Your print is fabulous, and I love the whole vignette below it. The way you've styled your little suitcase is another great idea. Perfect together.
    Mary Alice

  5. Wonderful finds, I love your site and I am your new follower, love this post.

  6. Hey Linsey!
    I adore that print- it's perfect for you.
    I would've squealed too! I haven't been over to Huffman, maybe in the fall I'll drive over.
    Don't you love HL clearance isles?
    Great basket!
    I'm so glad you have a paintings shop open- your work is fabulous. :)

  7. What a cozy the table and chairs! I love the HL clearance aisles, too. I have found a few great trays there myself. :)

  8. What great finds Linsey! I LOVE your dining room!! I have a lot of black furniture in mine. I was thinking about painting it but after seeing yours, I think I'll keep it as is. Hope you have a wonderful day, Gail

  9. What a cool find, Linsey! I wonder what the occasion was to photograph all those people and the bulls? The patina is simply gorgeous and is the epitome of farmhouse style!

    We've taken our big trip of the summer already by going to FL for two weeks. It was nice to go when the weather wasn't insanely hot yet. We usually go to the beach in SC with my husband's family in August, so that'll be our other trip for the summer. Otherwise, I'm happy to stay at home and have a good long list of projects to work on!


  10. Love the cow picture. I think I would've squealed too! :)


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