
Monday, March 12, 2012

"Cowgirl Up!" Linky Party #6

Welcome to Week 6 of 
 Cowgirl Up! Link Party . . .

the party with a cowgirl can-do  spirit!

1 Party, 4 Blogs

It's Anita from Cedar Hill Ranch this week.  I so much enjoy perusing the wonderful links every week and this week was no exception.  When Amanda we first came up with the idea for Cowgirl Up, we decided to allow people to link up not just projects but whatever post they wanted to share each week.  I am so glad we did, because it includes more bloggers, and we get a wider variety of links.  I enjoyed the links so much this week, and really had a difficult time choosing my top favs, but I  forced myself to narrow it down to just 10, oh no... wait... update, I just counted and there are 11.  See what I mean?  I just couldn't decide.  Any way here they are in no particular order.

Elegant Economies shared a little chenille sunshine

Decorating Ideas Made Easy made this fresh as spring wreath.

Hyacinths for the Soul shared her many heart vignettes

Miss Gracie's House gave us a tour of her gorgeous kitchen.

Twigg Studios used t-shirt fabric to make a ruffled Union Jack pillow.

Don't Mess with My Tutus opened her wedding dress box and took some amazing portraits of her daughter wearing that wedding dress (I wish I had thought of it when my daughter was little; now she's too tall for my dress.)

Cottage Charm Creations shared her DIY ironstone secret (I am TOTALLY stealing this idea!)

From Generation to Generation mod-podged a lovely floral linen to her clipboard.  

All Things Beautiful created this beautiful moss-covered cross 

Yvonne, from Stone Gable dyed her Easter eggs with onion skins.  Yvonne left blogging in December leaving her readers sorely missing her.  (She talks about why she left here.) This week she returned with a fresh new design for her blog.  Welcome Back Yvonne!!

A Vintage Farmwife shared her story being "God's hands and feet" helping neighbors clean up after tragic tornadoes.  I know I have seen this on the news, but to see it in person, must be quite horrifying.  Thanks for sharing Susan.

If you were featured here, grab a Featured button.  Be sure to like our Facebook pages, since we also post many other favorites there too. If you got featured on Facebook, then feel free to grab a featured button also. 

Now about the party...

You link up on my blog and your link shows up on four blogs. 
 More exposure, less time. 

We are looking for the latest and greatest projects, tutorials, ideas, crafts, recipes, decor, and inspiring stories.  Anything that you are proud to show off.

Cowgirl Up! is the link party that saves you time and brings you inspiration.  Doesn't get any easier than that!

What blogs will your link appear on?  Check us out below!
Linsey with The Farmhouse Porch
Anita with Cedar Hill Ranch
Samantha with Crafty Texas Girls

The four of us are all Texas bloggers, but you don't have to be Texas, country, western, or own horses to participate in Cowgirl Up!  You just need that "can-do", cowgirl spirit!
Cowgirl Up! Link Party Guidelines:

(Please read the guidelines before participating)
*  When you link with Cowgirl Up!, your link will automatically show on four different blogs.  Awesome!
*  Please follow your host blog before linking up on GFC and the new linky follow.
*  You may link up decor, DIY, crafts, guest post, recipes, giveaways, sewing, inspiring stories, and anything that you feel related to the listed categories.
*  You may link as many links as you want.
Be sure to include the Cowgirl Up! Button or text link to Cowgirl Up in your linked post.  
*  Be courteous and visit the two links before yours.  Please LIKE your favorite links!  Several projects will be featured each week!


  1. It's my first time joining your party :) Looks like fun! Thanks for hosting, Laurel

  2. Thank you SO MUCH for the feature! Whoop! Whoop!
    Jodi @ cottage charm creations :)

  3. Thank you so much for hosting! I found your lovely blog from Lookie What I did blog. I am a new follower. I would love for you to stop by

    Have a great weekend.


  4. Oh!, I feeel so bad at that wreckage. My house burned down during a hurricane, so I know what am awful feeling it is to have OOOO
    and start over at 60 yrs..
    Thanks for being a follower, Keep in touch, I am joining your blog.


  5. I'm a new follower via L.F. and I'm linked up to the party.

    Thanks so much for hosting.


I ♥ your feedback so much. I will try my best to reply. Thank you!

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