
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Attempting my most ambitious painting to date

This is my biggest and most difficult painting to ever attempt. I'm having to take lots of breaks and "step back" to see it with fresh eyes.

Can you tell what it is yet???

I will keep you guys posted as it evolves...
If you are visiting for the first time welcome! I just starting blogging 3 months ago. I am completely "coding" clueless. I really think the creative side of my brain sucks the power out of the analytical side of my brain. I know this blog isn't fancy but hopefully I can make up for it with some creativity and compassion from my computer savvy followers. : D


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  1. Can't wait to see the final masterpiece! It looks like 3 squished, one kinda squished, and one not squished.

  2. You are my blog of the week, surprise, surprise!!

  3. Of course - it's a sequential image of an orange crush DE-crushing!

    You have been given a little award, and you've been featured on my blog. Drop by Revisionary Life to see...


  4. Congrats on all the features!! Cozy Little House featured the ranch when I just started blogging, and it really helped me get going.

  5. I just found you through Cozy Little House. I'm glad to find a fellow blogger who lives so close. I'll have to stop by your store.

  6. Linsey it's wonderful to meet you! I followed your link from Brenda's. You are very talented. I can hardly wait to see your painting completed. I'm going now to look around a bit further and sign up to Follow your blog. ♥

  7. Hi Linsey. I'm popping by from Brenda's Cozy Little House to say hello. I actually lived in Spring TX many years ago. From 8th grade halfway through my 10th grade year (that was about 32 years ago ... yikes! :/ Your paintings are great and your shop so lovely. Welcome to the world of blogging. Wishing you all the best, Tammy

  8. Hi! It's nice to meet you! I like your painting so far. Have a very nice weekend! Twyla

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Just found your lovely blog via Brenda. I love Old Town Spring. Grew up in Houston so I'll always be a TX gal. Looking forward to following your blog!

  11. Just found you from Cozy Little House...I left your blog opened all morning to hear your playlist..Love it....

  12. First of all, I didn't even know they made Diet Orange Crush. Secondly, I didn't even know that you were a painter. Learn something knew every day. BTW, you will pick up on "coding" and other computer stuff pretty quickly and if you ever have questions, you can just google it and find a zillion answers.

  13. Wow your painting looks amazing! You've got some talent!! :)


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