
Friday, October 21, 2011

My chalkboard/magnet trays. I ♥ them!!! Must I sell??? : (

I went to the dollar store today looking for something for a project (more on that project later, but it has something to do with those plastic insects you see pictured). The dollar store happens to be next to Goodwill so I decided to take a peek, not planning on buying anything really.

I found a stack of four vintage metal trays for $1 each...and lots of silver trays (which I only purchased one of...kicking myself for that because it turned out the best!)

Anyways...using the can of chalkboard paint, here is the VERY simple way to transform the trays.

I think on the red ones I will do something Christmas-y!

Linking to:



Todays Creative Blog


  1. Those are cute! Yes you shoulda bought them all!

  2. I know darnit! : )

    ♥Linsey @FP

  3. Okay, so did you just freehand the paint? I've been having trouble, when I tape them the tape pulls the paint up! Any ideas? The round ones are especially tricky!

  4. Really? The Dollar Store?! I love the silver tray!

  5. Tracey...I did freehand. I just had to go slow and keep a q-tip handy to straighten any wiggles.

    Vickie...the trays came from goodwill. I am looking for little plastic insects and farm animals. I'm going to paint them white and make them into magnets! Shhh. : )

    Linsey-farmhouse porch

  6. your decor is scrumptious as always. You just bring such joy with the awesome beauty you create. I noticed one thing that you have a great mind for unique creation.

  7. Absolutely adorable!!

  8. These are adorable and it is a really nice idea! Hate to say it, but you should have bought them all! Thank you for linking this lovely post to Potpourri Friday. I always appreciate your participation!

  9. Hi there, good job with the chalkboard/magnet trays and yes, you should have bought more of the silver ones. You could go back???? Thanks for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  10. These are great! I did something similar recently, but as they don't have handles I am still working out how to attach them to the wall so I can get them down to use them!


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